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DTCC Equity Kinetics enables users to view, track and analyze aggregated U.S. equities trade volumes over time and in the context of broader market activity.

Snowflake Equity Kinetics

  • About

    DTCC Equity Kinetics facilitates analysis of U.S. equity market activity, by providing a daily, multi-perspective data feed of aggregated trade activity that has been cleared through DTCC’s National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC) subsidiary.

    Before the start of each business day the service delivers four files showing prior-day aggregate trading volumes by security along with aggregate volumes for all activity cleared through NSCC, for most-active brokers and for anonymous peer groups, to use for context and comparison.

  • Benefits



    Depth of Market Intelligence
    Understand where trading is concentrated for individual securities and determine the depth of market participation for those securities.
    Timely Intelligence
    Track aggregate activity of U.S. equity markets through a daily data feed.
    Comprehensive Views
    View trade volumes by transaction types: buy, sell, short sell, and short sell exempt.
    Market Analysis
    Analyze and compare anonymous, aggregated broker activity including historic trade volume data from December 1, 2011 forward.

  • Offering

    DTCC Equity Kinetics can enhance users’ understanding of the U.S. equities markets along several dimensions.

    • U.S Equities Market – All NSCC Activity: DTCC Equity Kinetics delivers aggregate trading metrics based on activity cleared through NSCC. The service presents market trading volumes by security and transaction type: buy activity and three categories of sell activity-sale, short sale and short sale exempt.
    • Most-Active Brokers – Tier 1: DTCC Equity Kinetics shows the prior day’s trading volume, by equity security, for the 10 most-active brokers, on an anonymous basis.
    • Peer Group – Global Brokers: DTCC Equity Kinetics creates a fixed anonymous peer group of nine global broker dealers and provides a view into this group’s daily activity by security and transaction type.

  • Coverage

    Coverage based on activity for all NSCC-eligible equities.

  • How It Works

    • Daily data is derived from key fields in NSCC’s Universal Trade Capture (UTC) system including volume, VWAP, concentration and top three anonymous market shares.
    • DTCC creates aggregated content from U.S. equities transactions cleared through NSCC.
    • To protect anonymity aggregated content is made available only when there are 10 unique brokers per trade date, security and trade side.

  • Delivery

    • Before the start of trading each day, by approximately 7 AM ET, users will receive the prior day and prior 5 day rolling aggregations. Each afternoon, users will have the option to receive a mid-day snapshot before 3 PM ET of the activity.
    • DTCC Equity Kinetics is delivered in comma-separated (CSV) files, standard output format, which users can load into other applications or system
    • Historical data (from December 1, 2011) is available via a one-time delivery.
    • Equity Kinetics is now available on the Snowflake Data Marketplace.*
      * Available in AWS-US-East-1 (N. Virginia) and AWS-US-West-2 (Oregon) regions.

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